1. Милош Пљакић, Serbia
2. Александра Петровић, Serbia
3. Предраг Станојевић, Serbia
4. Срђан Јовић, Serbia
Spatial analysis of traffic accidents is the first step in the process of traffic safety management. Consideration of spatial distribution leads to the identification and ranging of potential hazards locations at different spatial levels. In this research, it has been considered an aggregate number of traffic accidents occurred in the territory of Republika Srpska. The analysis of traffic accidents included all traffic accidents that occurred during 2015., where the accidents with fatalities, injuries and material damage were considered. All types of accidents are aggregated to the level of municipalities which observed units in this research. The models and methods applied refer to spatial coefficients that used to identify spatial clusters for visualization purposes. The results showed different spatial clusters depending on the type of traffic accident. The most significant spatial clusters have been identified in municipalities with large population and high density of street network. Further directions of research should be directed to micro-locations, which would be used to analyze intersections and specific segments in order to identify the locations where the highest number of traffic accidents occured.
Кључне речи:
spatial analysis,accidents,macro-level,spatial clusters
Тематска област:
Управљање безбједношћу саобраћаја
Датум пријаве сажетка:
VIII Међународна конференција Безбједност саобраћаја у локалној заједници